Ready to have your heart filled and soul infused with hope and joy?
Head over to the More to Be Facebook page on
Wednesday, May 1st between 9 am to 9 pm EST
for a day of Praise and Prayer
as we celebrate the one-year anniversary
of Unblinded Faith.
Check in at the beginning of each hour for live and pre-recorded testimonies and teachings, as well as prayer prompts, throughout the day.
If you would like to share your testimony that relates to how God worked through Unblinded Faith, send it to elisa (at)moretobe(.)com!
Feel free to email a recorded video (2 to 3 minutes long) or a couple of paragraphs by April 24th. You can start it with:
I'm so grateful for the fresh encounter with God I experienced through reading Unblinded Faith. God showed me_____________.
There's no better way to celebrate any occasion than setting aside time to thank God and remember His faithfulness.