We all know that starting a new habit isn't easy! It's especially challenging when there is no sense of urgency or accountability. Whether we're talking about getting fit, saving money, or making time to read the Bible, the obstacles always stand in the way.
So, that's why I've created the #90DaysOfFaith Challenge.
I want to give you the structure along with a bit of incentive to get into the Word. Of course, that's the whole mission behind Unblinded Faith, so why not carry it a step further by giving you a place to "check-in" and read through this book alongside others seeking to develop a devotional habit!
What's involved in the #90DaysOfFaithChallenge?
It's super easy!
Step 1: Get yourself a copy of Unblinded Faith, which is available wherever books are sold.
Step 2: Read the daily devotion AND most importantly, also read the Scripture passage that is referenced at the end of each day.
Step 3: Head over to my Instagram account or the More to Be Facebook page and leave a comment on the daily Unblinded Faith post with the quote from the chapter.
Participate and win!
At the end of the 90 days, I'll pick a random winner from the challenge participants to receive a $50 Amazon Gift Card.
In order to qualify to win, you have to enter your name and email below.
When it comes time to draw the winner, I'll use this list and searching the Instagram and Facebook posts to find your name!
Plus, by signing up, you'll get encouraging emails throughout the 90 days, including surprise incentives to keep you going!
Enter Your Name & Email to Win!
We'll watch your participation on the Facebook Group and when it comes time to draw the winners, we'll track you down!
Invite a friend! Start a Group!
If this challenge sounds exciting to you, why not ask a friend to join you? You can participate together, maybe even creating your own online Facebook group to chat about the weekly verses.